

Very Demure, Very Mindful | I Keep Hearing It, So What The Hell Does It Mean?

Thanks to the internet we all learn something new everyday. Like what demure and mindful means... 09.05.24

indian girl lying on a bed of rocks old photo

Thanks to a trans woman in Chicago IL we all have added two new words to our vocabulary: Demure & Mindful. What the hell was she alluding to? According to the Oxford Dictionary demure is defined as "reserved, modest, and shy (typically used of a woman)" while mindful can be referred to as "conscious or aware of something".

photo of web designer, graphic designer, and branding specialist Jude Shuma from Judeworks In short, she was saying don't be pretentious, instead practice modesty in the way you present yourself. In addition to that, being mindful is saying be aware of yourself and others and how you come off. Do things with intention. Thoughtful little actions that might not be noticeable by others, but that's not why you do it. If you are going to be modest and humble, then do it with purpose and for yourself, that's enough. And yes, you can be cute about it too.

a photo of Jools Lebron

Be Unapologetically You

Be unapologetically you. Don't let the world tell you otherwise because you only get one shot and people's opinions are like *ssholes, everyone has one and they generally stink. So long as you're not hurting anyone, then what's the big deal? People love to criticize others online and tell you how to live your life, but at the end of the day, they honestly don't care about you because they have their own sh*t to deal with. By next week it will all be forgotten. This goes for not only transgender people but everyone. Be yourself, learn about what makes you, you, embrace who you are. The internet can be a cruel place, allowing people to hide behind a screenname and take zero accountability for their words. Screw em. End of rant.

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