

I Keep Hearing "Go Touch Grass" And I Was Totally Wrong About What It Means

No it does not mean to go roll up a blunt and leave reality, on the contrary, it's quite the opposite. 08.20.24

A hand gently touching some grass

You thought it meant go smoke a blunt and chill out? Yeah me too. Well we we're both wrong. The popular phrase actually is referring to when someone becomes delusional from spending too much time online, to the point that they should get outside and get some fresh air; Return to reality by "touching some god damn grass".

We live in a digital world where the screen has been crowned our beloved "king" and "queen". Getting outside can be an out of sight, out of mind scenario. It's real easy to spend a day inside, in front of your laptop only to switch over directly to the TV after. And while you're watching TV you pull out your phone and start in on Instagram, Tiktok and Twitter. We all know social media is a time suck and extremely addictive.

We experience the world through the screen. It's important to detach from the internet and social media and get outdoors. Remind ourselves that there's more to life than the never ending online hustle. Don't get me wrong, I'm literally on my laptop right this moment writing this, so I get it. And later I'm probably going to indulge in the new season of Love Island UK, but also, maybe I'll go for a walk after I publish this? Maybe I'll be the one to touch some grass?

picture of grass and the blue sky

Nature Is Pure Therapy

Nature has therapeutic powers. Studies have shown that getting outside increases one's levels of relaxation and comfort while reducing stress and anxiety. Your blood pressure lowers and you find yourself suddenly at ease. I love my devices and love being online, but there comes a time when one must simply "go touch grass".

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